Over the past 25 years, Quantel Medical has been involved in developing and providing state-of-the-art technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of the four major causes of blindness: cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR).


With an installed base of more than 2500 units worldwide, AVISO is the reference in ophthalmic ultrasound imaging thanks to its excellent image quality for posterior pole and anterior segment diagnosis.

AVISO is used in most of the ultrasound teaching institutions across the world. AVISO has a powerful and user friendly interface and easily connect to your EMR or DICOM network.


  • Wide range of different probes to cover all the physician’s needs: 10 and 20 MHz B-scan, 25 MHz and 50 MHz UBM, and biometry probes.
  • UBM 50 MHz linear probe featuring a linear scanning for a complete visualization of the anterior chamber in one single scan.
  • Full set of semi-automated measuring tools for glaucoma screening

10 MHz

General diagnosis probe
10 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained from a B mode image allowing axial length measurements for difficult to measure long eyes or posterior staphyloma.

20 MHz

High frequency posterior pole.
The magnetic 20 MHz probe for retina is a unique diagnostic tool for high resolution posterior pole and retinal periphery imaging. the distinction between the retina, choroid and sclera as well as the vitreoretinal junction have never been finer.

UBM 50 MHz

Anterior chamber analysis, including structures behind the iris, up to the posterior capsule of the lens.

Lin 25 MHz Probe

25 MHz UBM probe offering linear technology designed for anterior chamber imaging and cataract specialists.

Biometry Probe

Axial length measurements probe. Biometry with a standard 11MHz A-scan probe.


Biometry with an advanced 11MHz A-scan probe featuring a laser beam for patient’s fixation.


    • A Comparison between Anterior Segment OCT & Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in angle closure

    • A High-definition Ultrasound System

    • A New Generation Of High-Definition Ultrasound

    • Achieve Better Glaucoma Management - Become The Front Line of Care

    • Advantages of using a multifunction ultrasound system with 10, 20 MHz Sector Probes & 50MHz Linear Probe - Aviso

    • Anterior Segment Imaging May Have Saved A Life

    • Anterior-Segment Imaging for assessment of Glaucoma

    • B-mode guided vector A-mode versus A-mode biometry to determine Axial Length and Intraocular Lens Power

    • Ciliary Body Area In Pupil Block

    • How to Succeed with Ultrasound Biomicroscopy

    • Increased Iris Thickness and Association with Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma

    • Routine OCT and UBM of the anterior segment

    • The Aviso A & B Clarity With Digital Imaging

    • Three In One Hand-held, portable device meets major imaging needs

    • UBM and Glaucoma - diagnosis and follow-up of plateau iris

    • UBM boosts quality of care for glaucoma practices

    • UBM Imaging for Glaucoma Management

    • Ultrasound And Iridial Angle Closure

    • Ultrasound Biomicroscopy & Glaucoma Care

    • Ultrasound Biomicroscopy for the Anterior Segment

    • Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Shows Benefits For Glaucoma And Anatomy Measurements

    • Update On The Utilization of UBM For Cataract And IOL Applications

    • Use Of B Mode Biometry For IOL Calculations


    • Case Presentations With The New 10Mhz B-Scan Probe -- Case No 1 - Choroidal Nevus

    • Case Presentations With The New 10Mhz B-Scan Probe -- Case No 2 - Patient With Diabetic Retinopathy

    • Case Presentations With The New 10Mhz B-Scan Probe -- Case No 3 - Suspect Choroidal Nevus




Aviso: Navigating the Aviso and Aviso S

Aviso: Performing A scan Biometry

Aviso: B-scan Screening


Ocular Imaging: Ultrasound Biomicroscopy vs. Anterior Segment OCT

A new approach to Ultrasonic Biomicroscopy: The Clear Scan Technology


Hands on with Quantel Medical probes part 1

Hands on with Quantel Medical probes part 2


Trolley Aviso

Filmed Windows (UBM) for 2nd generation 50MHz linear probe

ClearScan® for 50Mhz Linear probe

Prager shells 17mm (adults) for biometry probes


Prager shells 15mm (infants) for biometry probes

Scleral shell for 50 MHz linear and B probes

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